Rural Lifestyle Options Australia
Community Service Provider
Be recognised when you go the extra mile.
Reward and Recognition
What we do is just as important as how we do it.
At Rural Lifestyle Options Australia, we appreciate the efforts staff make, and recognise those who go the extra mile for our participants and colleagues. We pride ourselves on being an Employer of Choice who values our staff, which is why our Chief Executive Officer created the following awards.
Staff are recognised for showing extraordinary effort, achieving stellar performance and reaching career milestones.
The organisation's Reward and Recognition program is evolving all the time, below is what we currently offer:
Academic Achievement Award
One of RLOA’s core values is 'We are lifelong learners' so when we hear that members of our team have completed formal qualifications in addition to their work commitments, we believe this calls for celebration! For some people this will be the start of their learning journey and may even be the first time they have completed a qualification. For others, this might be one of many qualifications they might already hold. Staff self-nominate by providing a copy of their accredited Qualification through to Management. Once received, the CEO will do a celebration post on our intranet so that peers can congratulate them. The staff member will also receive a $25 RLOA Gift Card which can be used at a variety of major retailers. The courses must be industry related and must be an accredited course under the Australia Qualification Framework (AQF) levels 1 to 10. Please note there is no limit to the number of awards staff can receive under this category providing they have been completed since working for Team RLOA.

Cheers for Peers
At Rural Lifestyle Options Australia, we understand the importance of making our team feel appreciated. Good things happen when we feel valued by others, which is why we have introduced our latest Reward and Recognition initiative ‘Cheers For Peers’. We all know a co-worker who does their job in such a way that supports you in doing your job more effectively. You know the type of co-worker we are talking about. The type of co-worker who always has the answers to your questions (or will help you find out). The type of co-worker who is always there for you when you need them. This is your chance to recognise these people and to support our local community businesses too. ‘Cheers For Peers’ sees staff nominate their fellow co-workers at team meetings, with recipients receiving a $10 coffee voucher which can be used at their local coffee shop. Recipients of the ‘Cheers For Peers’ initiative are voted by the group at each team meeting, with one peer being acknowledged each meeting. Please note there are no limits to the number of ‘Cheers For Peers’ that staff can receive under this initiative.
Family Shining Star Award
Have you ever wondered what wonderful things others may be saying about your work? We understand how rewarding it can be to hear direct feedback from the people we support which is why at RLOA, we created the Family Shining Star Award. If nominated, staff receive a certificate acknowledging positive feedback conveyed by participants and/or family members who they support within the organisation. Please note there is no limit to the number of awards staff can receive under this category.

Having Our Backs Award
Every month, we acknowledge team members with our Having Our Backs Award which honours employees who always have RLOA's or their co-workers’ backs. These are the people everyone knows they can depend on, the people who remain ever-reliable, steadfast even when times get rough. People will send their nominations through to the Executive Team and each month a winner is chosen. Recipients of this award receive a digital award certificate, a swanky and stylish backpack filled with goodies and a dynamic and light umbrella to recognise the recipient's efforts for "braving the storm". The only way to receive one of these amazing RLOA branded backpacks and umbrellas is by winning this award.

Make Others Great Award
Every month, we acknowledge team members with our Make Others Great Award which recognises those who help others by always putting the team and organisation first. We all know what its like to work with people who build you up and always find ways to help, and make you feel appreciated. They are the blessings we all work with so we encourage our staff to nominate a peer to give them the recognition they deserve. Our Make Other Great recipients receive a $50 RLOA gift card and a digital award certificate. Please note there is no limit to the number of awards staff can receive under this category.

RLOA Milestones Club
RLOA Milestones Club is an initiative, aimed at celebrating and recognising the long-term contributions of our employees. The intention of this club is to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our staff, who play a pivotal role in fulfilling our purpose to deliver tailored supports and compassionate care within the community. Membership is granted once an employee reaches their 5 Years of Service milestone. Each member has access to additional employee benefits and receives a pack filled with goodies.

Safety Awards
Our Safety Award has been developed to recognise those who exceed our safety goals, complete additional safety training and successfully implement new and improved safety practices. This award has been created to reinforce to our team the importance of maintaining a safe workplace and to demonstrate the value that Rural Lifestyle Options Australia places on a creating and maintaining a safe working environment for all.
Nominations for the Safety Award are submitted by peers to the Chairperson of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee, the Head of People and Culture, who assesses nominees against a set of criteria. Where exceptional safety practice has been demonstrated, our Safety Award recipients receive a $50 RLOA gift card and a Digital Award Certificate.
Please note there is no limit to the number of awards staffs can receive under this category.

Special Awards
​Special Awards recognise the efforts of staff who have been involved in a special event or situation outside of their typical position scope. Examples of where such an Award would be presented include participation in fundraising campaigns, volunteering efforts, team excellence and natural disasters. People who receive this type of award are nominated by the Executive Team and there are no limits to the number of awards staff can receive under this category.
All recipients receive a certificate acknowledging their efforts and with individual efforts recognised with a $50 RLOA Gift Card and team efforts invited to dedicated all expenses paid lunch with their team at a location of their choosing.
Please note there is a limit of one award only per employee or team.

Special Awards (Heroes of COVID-19)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, this award was created as a small gesture of gratitude for those who had demonstrated exceptional practice throughout this period. In order to be acknowledged, staff must nominate their peers by sending a confidential email to our CEO. All recipients receive a certificate acknowledging their efforts and a $50 RLOA Gift Card, which can be used at all major retailers. Please note there is a limit of one award only per employee.
Traineeship Completed Awards
RLOA recognises the value of experiential learning for those undertaking Traineeships. One of RLOA’s core values is 'We believe in lifelong learning' so when we hear that members of our team have completed a Traineeship with us, we believe that this calls for celebration! Recipients of this award have completed Traineeships with us and receive a digital award certificate (in addition to potentially a permanent role on the team!).

Years of Service Awards
Working for the company continuously over a period a time is a big achievement and at Rural Lifestyle Options Australia we like to celebrate and recognise the contribution of staff who have worked for the organisation for 5 years, 8 years, 10 years, 15 years and 17.5 years. Staff receive a personalised letter from the CEO, a special medal acknowledging their length of service, a certificate recognising the years of service and a $50, $80, $100, $150 or $175 RLOA Gift Card, which can be used at a variety of major retailers, depending on the length of service. Any staff member who reaches a 20 year milestone within the company is presented a special letter from the Chair, an award recognising their years of service, a $200 RLOA Gift Card and a personalised gift.
Looking to land your dream role?
Before applying for a job with us, we recommend downloading and reading our Job Guide for Applicants:
Learn More:
To learn more about our work culture please see the Our People page and see what our employees say about their experiences working for Rural Lifestyle Options Australia.