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Rural Lifestyle Options Australia

Community Service Provider

10 Minutes With Cindy Reeves

This month we sat down with Cindy Reeves, who provided a glimpse into her life and her role at Rural Lifestyle Options Australia as an NDIS Intake and Support Officer.

What are you responsible for? I'm responsible for promoting RLOA in the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers community and for assisting participants when they are looking for services within this area. I help others find the right supports based on their plans, whether at RLOA or with other organisations depending on what is the best fit for them. I am also responsible for looking after participants who require Support Coordination in the area. What do you consider to be your strengths? I have the gift of the gab. I'm a people person and I love talking to anyone. I also pride myself on my organisation skills. I write a lot of lists, so I can organise my day and know exactly where I am going.   What is an unknown fact about you? I'm terrified of frogs. It's actually a phobia of mine.  What drives you nuts? Disorganisation. It drives me nuts when things aren't organised and people aren't prepared. What are your interests? I love the outdoors, the beach and spending time with family and friends. I also love entertaining, I love being the person who throws the party and doing up all the food and platters!  What is your favourite work tip?  Be organised.  How do you like to receive feedback?  Receiving recognition for your work is re-assuring. I recently received an Above and Beyond Award and I thought that was a great way of letting me know that my work hasn't gone unnoticed. I like to think that everyone has a bucket. If you fill someone's bucket each day with a positive comment or a "well done!", that ample enough to me.  What is the best way to contact you?  People can get in touch with me by emailing



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