On the 3rd of December each year, the world stops to recognise International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD). An important day to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. ✨
This year, Rural Lifestyle Options Australia recognised the contributions and achievements of the 4.4 million Australians with disability by asking our Service Delivery and Support Coordination teams to share some of their favourite local participant achievements:
🙌 Aaron wanted to raise money in support of the growing Men’s Health crisis, so he grew a moustache and raised over $1,500 in a Movember campaign.
🙌 Caane is passionate about creating arts and crafts projects, which he now sells at the shops.
🙌 Cuan is on a journey of self improvement and healing and is thriving towards his goal.
🙌 One of Ronald’s goals was to seek part-time employment, which he achieved by attaining an ongoing role at KFC.
🙌 William has decided it is time to get take the next step in his life and has decided to pursue employment opportunities.
These are just a handful of the heart warming stories, we hear day in and day out at Rural Lifestyle Options Australia about the incredible achievements of the people we are lucky enough to support. ❤️️
To learn more about how Rural Lifestyle Options Australia can support you or your loved one under the NDIS, please visit www.rloa.org.au/socialandcommunity