This month we sit down with Robert Rees, who provides a glimpse into his life and his role as Executive Leader Support Services.
What are you responsible for? I’m responsible for the quality of services provided to NDIS participants supported through Rural Lifestyle Options Australia and the provision of NIISQ services. I oversee the Service Delivery Division and provide support and leadership to Service Managers, Team Leaders, NDIS Intake and Support Officers and Support Coordinator. What do you consider to be your strengths? My strengths are in looking outside the square and showing leadership in difficult situations. I consider myself strong at navigating the NDIS system, identifying the needs of our participants and providing sound initiatives to support them within the framework. I am very organisation focused and I truly want the best for both those who receive support through RLOA and for everyone who works here. What is an unknown fact about you? I am an avid surfer and have been for the past 47 years. My favourite place to surf is Bells Beach in Victoria I have surfed all over the world but for me, that is the pinnacle. What drives you nuts? Lack of attention to detail and not closing the loop. People who tell you they are too busy when they are not. What are your interests? My interests are surfing, visiting new countries, spending time with my family and shiatzu cross toy poodle.
What is your favourite food?
My favourite cuisine is Thai. My favourite dish is Thai Green Papaya Salad and my favourite place to eat it is on the beach, made by the locals, in Thailand. The spicier the better!
What was the last song you listened to?
The last song I listened to was ‘A little ray of sunshine’ by Brian Cadd. The song reminds me of my daughter who lives in London.
What was the last TV show you binge watched?
I am currently binge watching ‘Bloodline’ on Netflix.
What is your favourite work tip? Always base as much as you can on the available facts. How do you like to receive feedback? Straight up.